Title: Raindrops Pairing: Yui/Azusa Length: 8,239+ Summary: AU. It had been a rainy day and a chance meeting with a stranger that led Azusa to Yui and after that it seems like Azusa can't get away from Yui and the two get closer than Azusa would ever thought.
It might seem weird for me to post chapter four of a fic none of have read yet, but this is the first chapter that actually has the girls in it. If you want to read the chapters until now, just go to my journal.
This fic is not entirely K-ON! centric. It features a real band called They Might Be Giants, who the girls are going on tour
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Title: Winter Bells Warnings: None Characters: Yui, Azusa, Mio, Ritsu, Mugi Summary: Yui/Azusa fluff, possibly some Mio/Ritsu and Mugi/Sawako too. Winter brings all sorts of romantic opportunities, can Yui make use of them?
Title: Settled Warnings: None Characters: Yui, Azusa, Mio, Ritsu, Mugi Summary: Houkago Tea Time has moved on. Four years have passed and Yui, Mugi, Mio, Ritsu and Azusa have pursued their own dreams. What became of them?
Summary: Through the eyes of the secondary guitarist of Hokago Tea Time, she discovers an unfamiliar addition to "Death Devil" through a gangster from Kanemura Industries
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This is my first post, I'll make an introductory post soon. But... I come bearing a crossover fic of "K-On!" and "Yakuza 4" (or "Ryu ga Gotoku 4: Densetsu wo Tsugumono
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Hey all! I've had a couple of K-ON! fic ideas kicking around, and I figured the new season was a good motivation to finally write them. This first one is a silly pre-Azusa vignette about the nature of Mio's... unique lyrical inspirations: